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About Nerdaste:


Nerdaste: The nerd in me sees the nerd in you.

Nerdaste is a unique, signature brand of simple clothing and accessories that connect nerds through their own form of nerdiness, and helps them look good doing it.


About Me:


I am on a journey of motherhood and science. I started out at community college, and transfered to UCSD where I earned a BS in chemistry. After a few years in the lab, I became a mom. While Kamila was ages 1 thru 4, I went back to school and earned an MS in chemistry from USC in Los Angeles.


From global corporate processes to nanotechnology, my brain loves to understand structure and architecture (molecules, devices, processes, time) and how they influence one another. I am always seeking to create structure and story from them. Check out more about me at My chemistry experience is at the cross sections of chemistry, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and biological sciences.


Like many parents today,  after work, I strive to fill both nurturing and provider roles. I love being a mom. I feel like I am some sort of special guide to help my daughter find out who her nerd is (fashion, paleo archeology, and history). As a chemistry nerd, I use the principles of synergy to help me make my moments count. Of course if you an engineer, it would be "V-diagram of systems engineering". Wait, that might be too nerdy. If you are a theatre nerd, it would be "Breaking the 4th wall".


My artistic side comes out through the haiku style. I enjoy collecting and arranging words, colors, and photos to capture and and covey a moment of time in life's experiences. Check out my stories and haiku at


The end.



Thanks for stopping by! :)

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